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on Academic Life

On getting outside your business as usual at an academic conference.
When asked how to navigate a conference, I always tell early-career scholars to find a group that they like, attend social events, and...

The best part of conferences.
The best part of being a professor is seeing old friends @ conferences. Many thanks to Washington State University for the lovely social...

On Baby Boomer Scholars and leadership in academe.
As a member of Generation X, I was until recently somewhat relieved that the Baby Boomers have been unwilling to make room at the top for...

On what to do if you want to leave your academic job & don’t feel ready to let your colleagues know.
I’ve posted on job search a few times. So if you are tired of the topic, my apologies. It’s on my mind bc I’ve had a couple of...

On why you should take your student to dinner (at a conference).
Often, caught up in the pomp and circumstances of academic life, I find that students are physically and emotionally distanced from their...

Seven tells that you need to change dissertation advisors.
After a recent post, I was asked to comment on bad advisors. This is a tough ask - because I worked with a couple of advisors - some...

On why academics need to stop acting like the mafia.
Faculty are strange & weirdly protective of the tenured. While reluctant to extend lifetime contracts, once extended, faculty go to great...

What to do if you are asked to leave your PhD program (or keep your cool).
Every so often, a student is asked to leave a #PhDprogram. Usually, the student knows it is coming - they’ve been counseled about course...

The worst conversation as an advisor (or letting a student go with compassion).
I have had to let a few students go in my career. It’s a tragic moment that no one enjoys - on either side of the table. I will not...

On finding joy in research, through treating gig workers well: a lesson I learned from my student
Some time ago, I served on the IRB for a university. It was a good experience - the training was a bit dull - but the content of the...

Helping PhD students mature (or what happens when you don’t micromanage).
I usually attend a few conferences or visit coauthors in the Summer. It can be a bit anxious time for #PhDstudents bc they are used to...

On the joy of the short review.
Learning to write reviews is difficult - there is a fine balance between offering feedback on ideas & wordsmithing the text. When I first...

On ethical versus unethical self-citation.
Lately, I’ve seen a lot of folks post their citation counts & H-index. Some early career, some late career, some who have suddenly...

When a reviewer suggests citing a paper (or they who must be obeyed).
In mid-career, I worked on a paper with an out-of-discipline colleague. We had received a review package & were responding to comments I...

When a journal editor demands you cite papers in their journal … (and what needs to be done)
When I was much younger, a journal editor of a well-known journal accepted my paper on the condition that I cite relevant papers in his...

On the thin line between advising and friendship (or always keep in mind your role).
When I first advised PhD students, I was determined to be more accessible than my advisor. Where my advisor had been a bit more...

Appointed to a second term at JAIS.
Delighted to serve a second term as senior editor at the Journal of Association for Information Systems. Many thanks to Dorothy Leidner...

On diversity in academe (in the United States).
It seems like I see a new announcement for a diversity officer on LinkedIn every day. I think it’s great. We need ally’s and advocates in...

On endorsing someone’s research.
An author recently sent me a note asking me to endorse or promote their paper. I was puzzled. I don’t know the author very well & the...

On why not everyone finishes a PhD (or this business isn’t for everyone).
Often, when faculty in the United States mention someone dropped out of a PhD program (or academe), they act as if the person was...
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