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Curation of Social Media Posts
on Academic Life
On how being a single parent made me a better scholar (or lessons learned from unexpected vectors).
When I became a single parent, I knew it would change my personal life. I did not know it would change my professional life. I didn't...
On counting your academic blessings.
When I worked at a more teaching oriented school, this meme captured how I felt when a ‘Lord of Research’ at a powerhouse school...
On burn out
Every so often a meme shows up that comes close to home. I see more and more academics who are completely burned out. Take some to...
On mourning academic losses.
A friend asked if I still get upset when a paper is rejected. Yes. I feel emotion because I care about … My coauthors careers The time...
Now available as Open Access.
Ashrafi, A., Constantinides, P., Mehandjiev, N., & Thatcher, J. B. (2024). Mobilising new frontiers in digital transformation research: A...
On being a good advisor.
I spent time this past month thinking about how to evaluate whether I was a good advisor. I realized it wasn’t just modeling myself after...
Are retractions really a problem for academia? Or are they evidence of a healthy, evolving system?
Retractions of academic #journalpapers have increased at a stunning clip. In 2002, I finished my PhD & there were 119 known retractions....
Five reasons everyone needs an academic frenemy.
Years ago, a person working on related papers said to me. "I don't want to work with you. I want to be able to have candid conversations...
On balancing reach & realistic goals (or a pragmatist's view of academic new year's resolutions).
It's about that time, where while toasting the new year, many faculty will resolve to finish old projects, publish only great papers, &...
On research impact. Kudos to Earl Smith!
Every so often someone says to me that academcis are disconnected from the world. In those moments, I think of people like Earl Smith and...
On when an offer is too good to be true (or questions to ask when joining an academic collaboration)
On fussy reviewers (or stop sweating authors for the small stuff).
While satisfied with the revisions, a reviewer suggested rejecting the paper because they were not pleased with the grammatical errors in...
On Ph.D. students and burnout (or sometimes the turtle wins the race).
Everyone knows a #PhDstudent who has burned out. Usually, they start the program with a belly full of fire. They are smart, know...
On taking a moment to remember the friends we lost to COVID this holiday season.
I looked around today and thought about friends not present. Some we lost to the disease. Some we lost to fear. Some we lost to mental...
On gratitude to my academic community over the holidays
On gratitude this holiday season. Too often, academics focus on the work, the challenges, and the outcomes in their professional lives....
On overcoming writer's block (or how small steps helped me get my mojo back).
Every so often, I get writer's block. I'll sit & stare at the computer & words don't come. I'll find a distraction. I look up music -...
Seasons Greetings to All and to All a Good Night!
Take some time off to enjoy family and friends. You will not regret it!
On breaking my own rule (and happy holidays).
While I am an advocate for work-life balance, I took a few minutes to accept a paper this morning. The paper had been through a few...
On diversity, equity and inclusion in the age of journal lists.
I was recently asked how we can promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in an era where journal lists drive hiring and promotion...
A Christmas Miracle.
On day 357 of 2022, a miracle happened. A Ph.D. student said I was correct. Unequivocally, no questions asked, with no nudging! The...
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