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on Academic Life

On deciding where to submit your paper (or you can’t always get what you want!)
Given that I am pretty outspoken that authors should always write their papers for the top journals in their field, I have been asked by...

Take a day off this weekend.
No matter where you are. Take some downtime this weekend. I’ve spent mine wandering museums, walking the streets, and making new friends...

On why you should have your paper peer-reviewed before submitting it to a journal
This past week, a friend asked me to peer review a paper. I don’t write many peer reviews - bc I invest a lot of time in editorial work -...

On what to expect on a new campus (or don’t skip the campus tour!)
My feed has been filled this week with announcements of people taking positions at new universities. Some are first time academic jobs....

On the joy of sitting with PhD students at the Wiezenbaum Institute
COVID-19 delayed my chance to visit the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society by two years. My first week as a Resarch Fellow...

On why you should always write for a top journal submission.
When I started my career, I asked my professor: where should I target my papers? They replied: MIS Quarterly. I asked why. They said: if...

On remembering not every academic wants to publish top papers & my pursuit of perfect ramen.
I was recently reminded that not every academic wants to publish top papers forever - particularly in journals defined as ‘top’ in the...

On why academics like plaques and certificates (or why we need more pats on the back to sustain acad
A few years ago, I sat in an association budget meeting where a world-renowned scholar proclaimed: "We need to stop giving plaques! They...

Four responses to being denied tenure & how they impact your next job.
About now, #departmentchairs are soliciting #externalletters & candidates are finalizing their tenure cases. I recall the stress & fear...

Early steps to prepare your tenure case.
At new faculty orientation, this small person stood up with a raspy voice, damaged by 30 years of smoking, & lectured my cohort that we...

How to write an external letter
So you’ve accepted the invitation to write an external letter - maybe because you know the person, maybe because you feel honored, or...

On the need for thick skin in academe
I was recently on a call where a PhD student mocked a solution in a paper - he went on in enough detail that I quickly realized that he...

Tips for suggesting external letter writers for tenure cases.
In most tenure processes in the United States, candidates for promotion with tenure are asked to recommend three to four potential letter...

On why all of our academic work is important.
"We thought to share with you the good news about the good traction the 'The impact of social media disclosures on veteran hiring' story...

Stopping in at the Weizenbaum Institute.
Delighted to join Hanna Krasnova and her team for the next few weeks as a Fellow at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society in...

Issues to consider if asked to write an external letter for tenure.
External letter writers play an essential role in the U.S. #tenure process. They provide an outside assessment of a candidate for...

Why we all need face-to-face (academic) conferences.
I have heard proclamations that face-to-face conferences are dying. Classic complaints include: - they are too expensive for faculty -...

When your student gives a great presentation to end the conference.
Last session of the conference? No problem! Kanghyun Cho stepped up to the plate and nailed his presentation! His work on human-bot...

On trying out a new academic community.
For early-career scholars, I suggest they find a community and stick with it. You benefit from making friends, building a network, and...

The best moment as a faculty member is watching a kid catch her stride.
Ziyi (Iggy) Zhao knocked or out of the park at her first conference presentation.
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