At new faculty orientation, this small person stood up with a raspy voice, damaged by 30 years of smoking, & lectured my cohort that we must start preparing for tenure now! This moment! From our first day on the job!
I remember so clearly, wondering who is this person? & why were they so adamant? & five or six years is a long time!
Five years later.
I remember thinking they were not wrong as I assembled my #tenure file.
Gathering the materials was a lot of work!
However, starting to prepare your tenure case ‘now!’ Involves far more than simply remembering to save emails from students and documenting your activities - which is what that rasping voice counseled!
Starting to prepare your #tenurecase involves thinking strategically about what you want to be known for, what you study, and how you engage with your university.
Here are a few tips on how to do so.
First, take time to think about how you want to be viewed as a #scholar.
You do not want it to appear disjointed or ad hoc.
You need to think early in your career about what topics you want to study & methods you want to employ.
Note that the plural is deliberate- studying two to three interrelated themes with more than one method suggests intellectual flexibility & an ability to retool for the future.
This means you need to be systematic in your approach to research.
These are necessary but not sufficient conditions at all schools - research or teaching-focused.
No one wants to tenure a lousy teacher or colleague - that person becomes a millstone around the neck of the dept.
So take care to learn to teach well & do appropriate service.
It’s easier to maintain a good reputation for teaching than to overcome a bad one.
Third, limit your opportunism.
Carefully consider research projects outside your core area.
Add projects that offer opportunities to learn or access resources you might otherwise lack.
But only add a few.
Writing synergistic papers is much simpler than starting them from scratch.
Five years pass quickly - focus!
Fourth, finish your dissertation papers.
This may sound dumb. I’ve seen dozens of #assistantprofessors who wait to publish their #dissertation papers until late in the tenure process. It’s a mistake.
Post-defense, submit the papers & get a fresh start on new, related projects. This also minimizes the chance that someone, who watched your job talk, steals your ideas.
Fifth, take time to learn the local process.
Every school is different. Some love student testimonials, some love notes from industry, and some love curriculum innovation.
In your first year, listen & watch. In your second year, confirm your observations by asking the tenure chair what matters. This way, you look less worried & more thoughtful.
Finally, don’t panic! Fear doesn’t help!
Think strategically, teach well, and learn ropes- you’ll do great!
