When I was young, I was told not to study the intersection of technology, gender, and sex. It was too hard to publish.
I did some work at that intersection. Some papers hit. Some papers did not.
I learned papers that consider technology, sex, and gender are hard to publish.
I turned to other topics.
Today, Nature declared that intersection important. It demands that all studies consider gender & sex as part of research design.
Nature’s decision will lead to more work explicitly considering the interplay of these factors with technology - in decision making, in business process, in organizations, in markets, and in society.
Some will fuss. Some will call Nature’s request unreasonable. Some will be just plain mean about it.
Me? I think it’s great. It’s about time. I’ve waited for this change my entire adult life.
Science now includes everyone.
We will no longer overlook half the population’s needs, interests, & opinions. We will no longer see folks get away with research that is biased by design.
We have been gifted such an opportunity to do good & inform how to build a better world.
The next generation of young scholars won’t be told, work on sex, gender & technology is too hard to publish.
The world just got a little better. I can’t wait to see what comes next!
