Having attended three conferences, and learned of many people coming up with COVID right after, I am wondering what measures folks are seeing post-conference by organizers? To notify participants of contact and exposure?
Thus far, only one division of one organization has reached out to anyone that I know.
Yet, multiple people from conferences are sick - and all I receive are anecdotes or personal stories.
My suspicion is that conference organizers are relieved to have events wrapped up & not giving a lot of thought to post-conference wellness.
I wonder if there should not be a broader conversation within academe about conferences and the post-event health of participants.
I ask because it seems like organizers tracking and notifying people of post-conference infections would provide future participants full information on the risks of participation & inform choices on whether to wear a mask or not at future events.
More than that, information on exposure would also inform behavior immediately following a conference- in what we do with our families, in our communities, and at our schools.
My worry goes beyond immediate wellness and planning by individuals for attending future events - if conferences become regular sites for super spreader events - that go unmanaged - I suspect people will start questioning their utility.
So what to do?
First, if you get covid, monkeypox or some other illness at a conference, notify the organizers and your friends.
Absent data it’s hard to assess if there is a threat or not. Conference organizers are the natural group to collect that data.
Second, before going to a conference, ask the organizers about their post-conference notification planning.
If there is none, ask why. It’s likely it has not crossed their mind.
Third, take rapid test kits with you.
I know this sounds extreme.
I took several with me to a recent conference & was glad that I did after contact with a person who contracted covid.
Better safe than sorry.
Fourth, ask the conference organizers to provide rapid test kits with registration.
The kits could be designated for use on the return home with information on how to report to the conference planner.
It need not be hard - it could be reported using a simple QR code.
Fifth, conference organizers could offer more hybrid sessions.
Not just for those who couldn’t attend - but for those who got covid at the event - it could encourage more responsible behavior.
Finally, while the pandemic seems done, we will live with #COVID19 for some time to come.
Perhaps, it is time to consider wearing masks again at indoor events like paper sessions?
I didn’t at my conferences and feel like I dodged a bullet.
We still need organizers to take the lead on ensuring the health of participants - esp. if we want to have conferences in the future.
See you at the next #conference?
