About the time the COVID19 pandemic started, I was invited to serve as a second chair for a PhD Student at the Copenhagen Business School.
The project was interesting & the student bright - so why not? And we started to work together.
As travel became difficult, it was impossible for us to meet in person - but - we worked on papers, coordinated via zoom, and messaged with fair regularity.
Because travel remained difficult, he interacted with my Ph.D. students at my home school - earning a spot as a valued member of my academic family.
While travel remained problematic, we were able to collaborate on a project - that included some of my in-residence doc students at Temple University.
18 months into our collaboration, I was finally able to watch him present in person for the first time.
In a workshop populated by tenured faculty, endowed chairs, and attended by experts, Sippo Rossi nailed it. Raghava Rao Mukkamala, his primary chair, has a lot to be proud of!
And, I, as a second chair, can help but bask a little in reflected glory. Sippo is truly a talented scholar!
