So I hit my final LinkedIn goal ... 3.65 million hits in a year ... Thanks to everyone who has paused to give my posts a look.
My PhD student told me that at a conference - that I skipped bc of parenting obligations - people now talk about my posts more than they do about my research ...
I'm not sure how I feel about that - bc my research has consumed the past 24 year of my life - and Linkedin has been more of a hobby for just a year.
Perhaps, LinkedIn will drive people to read my papers?
See a gratuitous pointer to Google Scholar here:
But I suspect not, their impact is in different domains and speaks to different parts of academic life.
FWIW, I'm often asked if I have monetized LinkedIn. I have not. I am asked next when will I monetize them. I have no idea. I am then asked why not. Because life is about more than money.
Let me say it again.
Writing for LinkedIn is my hobby.
I write the posts bc I like to write them & I like helping people & I like the growth that comes through writing them.
I share the posts because I want to positively impact my academic discipline and the broader academy.
Through candid online conversations, we can all come together and build a better Academy!
Thanks for reading. It's been a wonderful year.