On leading by example (or maybe I did something right as an advisor).
As an advisor, you never really know how you are doing with your students.
If you ask, students invariably say "great, don't change a thing!"
If you listen to others, they invariably say "the students tell me you are great, but not so organized!"
Knowing that I'm not the most organized person, I can accept both pieces of feedback. I do need to be better organized.
However, more than being organized, I'm most concerned that my students learn to be open-minded, kind, and engaged with the community.
In my mind, most any PhD student is capable of becoming a good scholar, but very few go on to become great role models and leaders.
I figure, if I want my students to be great, then I have to try to be great - and live out the values that I teach.
But how do you know? that the values that you teach? Are sticking?
Today, I found one measure - the words of one of my students - who in their job market materials wrote:
"I aim to promote inclusive classrooms and work environments.
My advisor described his challenge of being a single parent and stressed a workplace where we all are valued and embraced.
He led this by example; he carefully listened to us whenever we went through personal or family difficulties. By doing so, he has helped my cohorts boost our confidence, enrich our interpersonal relationships, and foster collaboration.
His example taught me three lessons.
First, diversity and inclusion can be achieved not by merely being conscious of commonly known differences (e.g., race, sexual orientation, etc.) but by understanding each individual’s challenges.
Second, each needs to foster an environment where others can freely speak up.
Finally, once we spot and understand anyone with challenges around us, we should support them and accommodate their problems together."
I may not be the most organized advisor - but - today, it became clear to me, that by leading by example, I'm doing something right.
We can build a better academy if we all try to understand each others differences, encourage free speech, and support the people around us.
Lets build a better academy.
Best of luck!
