On not taking yourself too seriously (or it's ok to laugh with your students).
Lately, I've posted about fair number of weighty topics about how to manage academic careers and how to build a better academy.
However, it's important to note - that along the way - we should have fun.
I was reminded of this today, when one of my senior students sent me this text ...
It's been a while since I exercised my right to look like a disheveled professor!
While the photo reminded me that perhaps, I need to do a deep scrub of my social media footprint, it also made me laugh hysterically.
A much-needed relief from revising papers and writing annual evaluations of students.
If you enjoy the process of working with, mentoring, and having fun with students, be they graduate or undergraduate, this academic life is so much better.
Take some time this week to enjoy your students, you won't regret it!
