On the importance of relevant work.
When we started the project on social media and veterans years ago, we knew that the work was important.
Now that the paper appears in Personnel Psychology, we are now moving into the disseminate what we learned phase of our work.
Today, Wenxi (Vincent) Pu (University of Manitoba) and Phil Roth (Clemson University) presented our work on social media, PTSD, and Veteran job seekers to the Military-Civilian Transition Research Forum today.
Despite prescriptions for veterans to seek help in online forums, we show that recruiters have negative responses to veterans that post in public forums about PTSD. This is important, because about 1/3 of veterans post about PTSD on social media - either about having PTSD or supporting people diagnosed with PTSD.
Every time I hear someone say academic work doesn't matter, I think about how our work on social media and hiring people help find jobs and helps companies build better processes for hiring employees.
