Two friends left academe this past week. It's made me pensive.
Their career changes reminded me of my post on why I stay in academe. For people thinking about leaving, here is some food for thought.
<= edited 2017 post =>
After class today, I was asked: "why are you still a professor?" The student implied that I could make, or be, so much more than "just a professor."
As I reflected on the question, I realized that today is almost 20 years to the day since I applied to enter the Information Systems Ph.D. program at #FSU. I was struck by how time has slipped by.
So why am I still a professor?
1. Students touch my life. Every semester, I get to know a new group of students. Without fail, I am always sad to see the #semester end. Student thank you's, light-bulb moments, & more are gifts that lift my spirit. They keep me young & motivate me to do better.
2. Professors change the world. We open students' minds, empower their imagination, and help them think about ways to make the world better. My #classroom touches students' lives & create positive ripple effects throughout society.
3. Faculty life empowers me as a parent. My colleagues underscore that family comes first. My students embrace my daughter when she comes to class. The cafeteria staff often let my kid eat for free - with a nudge & a wink. I do not think there is a better profession for a single parent.
4. My discipline is optimistic. I will never forget my first #InformationSystems Ph.D. seminar. Each week, every set of papers underscored the theme of improving organizations or empowering people through #informationtechnology. At the end of the semester, I applied to switch Ph.D. programs. I have never regretted moving from a "descriptive discipline" to a "prescriptive discipline" focused on improving the human condition.
5. I love my academic family. I am constantly impressed by simple acts of kindness & altruism. A #colleague watching my kid so I can participate in a conference, an editor taking time to "teach" a young doc #student how to craft a paper, laughter on conference calls, & more. The #communities that populate my academic life are filled with people who do the right thing - every single day.
So why am I still a #professor?
I can think of no other job where I can touch lives, I am empowered as a single parent, & I can work with people who share a single goal - to make the world better.
Tonight, I realized that I am truly #blessed that 20 years ago, about now, a professor cared enough to ask, "have you ever thought about a #PhD in Information Systems?" & I am thankful for the many people who have helped me along the way.
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I hope this post helps #faculty struggling to figure things out! For me, this life is rewarding.
I know academe is not for everyone. It's ok to leave. You have to be happy.
Just remember, if the grass is not greener, and you want to come back, the door is open!