For people interested in managing and retaining IT professionals, preprints of my paper "Workgroup Embeddedness and Professionalism Among IT Professionals: Impacts on Work-Life Conflict and Organizational Citizenship" are now available: Michael Dinger of USC-Upstate led the paper. It is a result of his dissertation work co-chaired with Varun Grover. We're super proud of Mike. Through five revisions, Mike showed us that he's become a leader in his own right - adept at crafting papers and seeing them through publication. We are also very grateful to the SE and the reviewers for challenging us to improve our paper. Good papers benefit from good feedback. We received that at each step in the review process. We also appreciate the editorial team at JAIS - our paper improved through copyediting - and want to acknowledge the journal's support of our work. #academiclife #clemson #dissertation #phd #phdstudent #dissertationadvisor #jais Association for Information Systems
