Sometimes, it takes real persistence to publish a paper.
Dr. Colleen Carraher-Wolverton first mentioned working on a new measure of creativity in Chicago in 2013. Even though some team members dropped off & stopped working, she kept the paper moving for nearly a decade! I was delighted to see it accepted at Information Technology & People.
The title: Individual IT Creativity: A Conceptual and Operational Definition
The abstract: An organization’s competitive advantage can be strengthened if they are able to identify highly creative individuals who can develop novel and useful ideas with IT. In fact, organizational success in the 21st century may depend upon a firm’s ability to identify highly creative individuals who are able to develop novel and useful ideas, which are the outcome of creativity. We posit that IT (Information Technology) plays a significant role in creativity. Applying the Componential view of creativity, we propose the theoretically-derived concept of Individual Information Technology Creativity (IITC). Utilizing a 5-phase methodology, we provide a theoretically-derived and rigorously validated measure of IITC. This study demonstrates that IITC is manifest in individuals who: (a) possess IT expertise; (b) are motivated by IT tasks; and (c) exhibit IT creativity-relevant processes. We then develop a scale to measure IITC and examine IITC within a broader nomological network. This study facilitates the investigation of new streams of research into IITC, including new possible outcomes in addition to IT acceptance.
The paper is co-authored with Colleen Carraher Wolverton (the University of Lousiana – Lafayette), Tracey Rizzuto (the Lousiana State University), and Wynne Chin (the University of Houston.
