Super excited to have our team's work accepted at the Journal of Business Research.
Teagen Nabity-Grover and Christy Cheung let me tag along to examine: "How COVID-19 Stole Christmas: How the Pandemic Shifted the Calculus around Social Media Self-Disclosures".
For interested readers, here is the abstract:
"During the COVID-19 pandemic, social media use increased significantly, and news media also reported increased levels of social shaming for behaviors that were now deemed high-risk for spreading or contracting the virus. This study examines how this pandemic-afflicted environment changed what and how individuals disclosed online during the 2020 holiday season. Using data collected at two time periods in December 2020 from Facebook and Instagram users, the data show that social calculus constructs comprise most of the significant predictors for online self-disclosure; evaluation apprehension is also a significant moderator. In a post-hoc analysis with 2019 disclosure data, this study finds that most of the significant predictors of behavior arise from privacy calculus, providing evidence of a shift in the salient predictors of online self-disclosure. The implications of this research to businesses and future research directions are discussed."
When paired with work that examines how COVID19 impacted data collection (and the way people felt about their jobs) (, this study extends understanding of how the pandemic changed the way people interact with each other online ( & away from work, with each other at work, and how they relate to the organizations.
While COVID19 has not yet gone away, it makes me wonder if we should not remain attentive to how our shifting health and work context is reshaping the way we view the world and each other.
Many thanks the Teagen and Christy for keeping me on the team!
