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Curation of Social Media Posts
on Academic Life

On becoming a great scholar (or what I learned watching a master pastaiolo).
Because I have published a few papers, a few people have asked me how to become a great scholar. I replied that I was not yet a great...

On data provenance, data hygiene and replicable analysis (or being prepared for tough questions).
As a Political Science student, I was taught to retain the data & syntax for all of my studies, because a reader might request them. I...

Should ethical standards be universal? & does academe need a conversation about informed consent?
As a senior editor, my most painful moments are when an author states: ‘I gathered the data in _____, we did not need an institutional...

On the importance of trial & error & patience as a doc student (& faculty member).
I recall when I was younger. I worked with a faculty member who let me make mistakes. I recall asking, ‘what’s up with that? The mistakes...

On why my friends love out of the office auto responders (and I hate that I get why).
Earlier, I offered a tongue in cheek post about my hatred of auto responders. Within seconds. Ding! Ding! One of my favorite European...

On why I hate the out-of-the-office autoresponder.
Every summer, I receive an email from a European colleague out on annual leave. They ask me to do some kind of work, while they are out...

On why advisors need to respond to students (or just answer email once every two days!).
When I was a student, I attended a PhD student workshop anchored by a now retired journal editor. They commented that it broke their...

On staying positive about academe (or why I don’t see the point in negative posts).
A few people have commented that my posts are overly positive & asked for a dose of realism. I prefer narrating a positive story - bc...

On how to provide feedback to an early career coauthor (or how to build sustainable relationships).
When senior faculty give feedback to early career colleague, it’s a tricky business. For people just becoming senior (eg having a...

On what is impact? (or should social media matter in academe?)
When I started working with Web 1.0, my then advisor told me that someday, every website we created should count as a journal...

An expression of gratitude to my academic community (& why we must do more for young faculty).
Today is my daughter’s 18th birthday. As she prepared to become Instagram worthy, she laughed with a colleague who was helping her...

On academic timelines & why glitches are inevitable (or why you must accept that some projects fail)
I have never had a paper come together on schedule. Never. I have often resubmitted a paper on time. But, never has it come together on...

On what is and is not appropriate for LinkedIn.
I woke up this morning to a comment on a post. My post encouraged people to find balance & included pictures of me and my daughter going...

On supporting PhD students who have babies (and is it the canary in the coal mine?)
I was chatting with a friend last week - they had just extended a PhD student’s funding by a year bc they had a child. I was envious. In...

On peer mentoring & PhD students.
Often, I hear mentoring offered as a panacea to cure problems in academe. Sometimes, I hear about student organizations establishing peer...

On what it is like posting on LinkedIn on academic life.
This Fall marks my 28th year of creating online content. I started as a web developer in the 1990s - maintaining a personal website along...

On the difference between research and publication (and why good teams have both skill sets).
I was recently asked if I consider research & publication the same thing? I replied no! I view them as discrete activities. Research is...

On inequity in academe (or why I dream of a dialogue about access to resources for all).
Recently, my team had to respond to a reviewer that we lacked the resources to respond to a request for adding data to a paper. Despite...

On the ‘new’ academic job market (or why you should consider global opportunities).
When I was much younger, I famously declared that I would not die in the United States! I had grown up an expatriate & could not...

On letting others lead (or how to be a good past leader).
When I was an Association President, a senior scholar challenged the reappointment of a journal editor. They queried: why was this person...
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