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Curation of Social Media Posts
on Academic Life

Tips for building substance to back your academic brand.(or "where's the academic beef?")
Lately, I've noticed many more #faculty using #socialmedia to promote their work. I think it's great. It means academics are learning to...

On managing your advisor (post-graduation).
While a student, it is easy to get used to having your advisor's attention. Usually, you will have a fixed meeting schedule, see them...

ML miscategorized me as a social scientist & I'm happy about it! forwarded the "good news" that I was one of the top 1000 most influential social scientists in the United States. When I...

On the value of believing in your university’s mission.(or why I joined Temple University).
At a mixer recently, I was asked, "why did you join Temple University." I responded without thought: "I joined because I believe in its...

On how coping with ‘mean comments’ on my research made me a better scholar & person.
In 2011 or so, an endowed chair in my discipline told me that my style of research was dead. I had just given a talk on mindfulness &...

On what to think if you are the last reviewer between an accept or reject decision …
Occasionally, an editor will stop sending papers to an entire review panel. This typically happens in late rounds of the review process....

On writing good reviews after the second revision? (or) Knowing when to fish or cut bait?
Usually, the #secondrevision is the most critical round of review. At this point, you will be offering your #thirdassessment of a paper....

On effecting encouraging more timely, accessible academic research.
Worth a read and conversation at every #editorialboard meeting in the next year. Business #research needs to become more accessible to...

What to do if you disagree with another reviewer? (or) How to nicely say bless your heart Reviewer 2
After reviewing a paper, you will receive a courtesy copy of the review package that includes the editor’s decision, the editor’s advice,...

On writing a good first-round journal review.
I was asked how to write a good review. The question, from a #PhDstudent, made me smile because my understanding of reviewing has...

Do academics need to explore new ways to engage with the world? Are journals and double-blind peer r
Refereed journal papers have been the gold standard for decades. In my discipline, we ascribe power to peer #review -mainly double-blind...

Five Tips for First Time Paper Writers.
Writing your first academic paper is a challenge - esp. if you have returned from industry to academe. While what is expected varies...

Preprints of my paper on IT Professionals and workplace embeddedness.
For people interested in managing and retaining IT professionals, preprints of my paper "Workgroup Embeddedness and Professionalism Among...

Thoughts on building functional academic teams (or why you need synergy, trust, & serendipity).
Good teams require good collaborators; however, even with the best collaborators, it does not mean that you will have a good team. I was...

On how faculty mark Ph.D. comprehensive exams.
Having written a piece on how to prepare for #comprehensiveexams (comps), I was asked how I approached evaluating responses to questions....

On Ph.D. students preparing for comprehensive exams.
Many #PhD programs offer #comprehensiveexams (comps) in June & July. Comps assess #PhDstudents understanding of their discipline & their...

On supporting parenting and academic life in the Summer.
In many college towns, a diaspora occurs in April. As students leave, the faculty scatter. Some take holidays, some start summer...

On protecting your intellectual property (or why you should move quickly from conference papers to j
I'm hearing more faculty complain about ideas being "borrowed", "lifted", or "outright stolen". The complaints usually surface after...

On becoming robust to tough feedback (as a student, early career, and late-career scholar).
After a harsh comment on my work, I was asked, "how do you keep moving forward?" After 20 or so years as a professor, I've learned that...

When to update constructs and measures.
Now available at MIS Quarterly - my paper with Deborah Compeau and John Correia on when to update constructs and measures. You can find...
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