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Curation of Social Media Posts
on Academic Life

Many thanks to Robert Gregory.
Many thanks to Robert Wayne Gregory for presenting his work on governance and blockchain at the Fox School of Business at Temple...

On why we should require fewer, high-quality papers for tenure. (Part Two: Fixing the Problem).
Yesterday, I suggested asking for more papers, in a world of more accessible data, was not a good idea & even toxic for early career...

Paper on gig work
For people interested in gig work, Elsevier has made our paper "Do you see what I see? A social capital perspective on microtask gig...

On why we should require fewer, high-quality papers for tenure. (Part One).
In a presentation, I recently argued that tenure standards should shift - to focus on quality & not the quantity of papers. Some in my...

When your values align with your employer's, academic life is a lot better!
I could not be prouder of the impact Temple University and the Fox School of Business at Temple University have on diversity and...

The IS Job Market is Thriving
The hardest part of picking a major is understanding what jobs, and skills, are in demand in the marketplace. The #ISJobindex has offered...
On Grammarly and editor reports (or some things can’t be unseen).
Recently, I finished a response to reviewers. As a final check, I ran the response through Grammarly. 237 suggested changes. 233 changes...

Five tips for making a contribution in your paper (or beauty is in the eye of the beholder).
Many scholars write about what a contribution is & how to ensure your paper makes one. Yet. The most frequent criticism of journal...

Thanks to the Broncos!
Many thanks to Boise State University for the invitation to drop in and discuss research today! It was great catching up with Teagen...

On navigating the peril of interdisciplinarity & the need for an academic home.
I have heard Presidents, Provosts, Deans, Department Chairs, & Senior Scholars beat the drum of interdisciplinary research. I have seen...

Do you see what I see? A social capital perspective on microtask gig worker opportunity recognition
Many thanks to Paul Di Gangi for leading the charge to have our work on gig workers and opportunity detection accepted at the...

On why where you place your papers matters (for reputation and citation).
As an early career scholar, I took publish or perish seriously. I published as many papers as quickly as I could. I was focused on ‘N.’ I...

On information systems and intellectual diversity (a case study of one journal)
Our paper on Intellectual Diversity in IS research will appear in the December Issue of Information Systems Research (ISR). The paper was...

On patience and citation counts (or it does take a long time for citations to grow organically).
I often see academics post about realizing large numbers of citations quickly. I see papers or tips on how to boost your citations -...

On what is relevant research (or it depends on your audience)
Recently, I was asked what doesn’t relevant research mean? And how do you know your work is relevant? This is a tricky question - that...

On the enrollment cliff coming to the United States (Part Two)
On the enrollment cliff coming to the United States (or seven tips for PhD students in tight job markets). (Part Two) The enrollment...

On the enrollment cliff coming to the United States (Part One)
On the enrollment cliff coming to the United States (and how to prepare as a faculty member). (Part one) Enrollments are declining in...

Three tips for finding motivation
Three tips for finding motivation after a research break (or you just have to get started). Academics take breaks from research for many...

On how to manage possible employers while deciding on an academic job offer.
You have done everything right & received a job offer. Yet. Your advisor has shared that until the final contract is signed, you are to...

Happy Thanksgiving!
May everyone have a day fill with joy, laughter, and pie! Take a day off and enjoy time with family and friends! #worklifebalance...
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