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Curation of Social Media Posts
on Academic Life

On hitting my final LinkedIn goal ...
So I hit my final LinkedIn goal ... 3.65 million hits in a year ... Thanks to everyone who has paused to give my posts a look. My PhD...

On managing Reviewer Two (revisited).
Recently, I was asked how to handle a truculent Reviewer 2 - who continues to you to add references, methods, & more to your paper. We...

Don't forget the students of Iran.
Typically, I do not share about politics - but I have been sharing about Iran because the events impact so many students - the words...

On the peril of applying standards from one country to the next (Part Two)
On the peril of applying standards from one country to the next (or balancing expectations and resources). (Part 2 of 2) About a week...

Don’t forget to take some time for yourself this weekend.
I’m taking time to have a coffee, sit with my little dogs and read a book. I hope everyone takes personal time this weekend. Recharging...

Three truths about academic privilege.
Three truths about academic privilege (or why we can’t count on academic elites to fix higher education). Lately, I’ve had a chance to...

Please support the people of Iran.
Another week of protests by the students, the faculty, and the people of Iran. What is happening to people in Iran is not ok. What Iran's...

On #MeToo and #Econtwitter (a summation of events).
On #MeToo and #Econtwitter (a summation of events). For people interested, here is a summation of what has happened on Twitter this past...

Happy Halloween!
Yesterday, I cut work short and rushed home to see my Teen before she went to the Halloween Dance. You should never feel obliged to miss...

Many thanks to Jian Mou and Pusan National University!
Many thanks to Jian Mou and Pusan National University for inviting me to stories about digital resilience with Ph.D. Students and faculty...

There is no greater vote of confidence in a University than a faculty member's child applying.
There is no greater vote of confidence in a University than a faculty member's child choosing to apply! While this will not be the Teen's...

Fox School of Business Ph.D. Applications are open (and an opportunity for a cup of coffee with me).
Fox School of Business Ph.D. Applications are open (and an opportunity for a cup of coffee with me). If you are interested in earning a...

On what to do if you earned your PhD from a school on the periphery
On what to do if you earned your PhD from a school on the periphery (or can you create your own halo effect?) After posting how some...

On sexual harassment in academia.
On sexual harassment in academia (please follow the links for evidence of harassment in economics). Too often, we hear rumors of sexual...

On choosing where to apply for a PhD (or making sure it’s the right one for you).
On choosing where to apply for a PhD (or making sure it’s the right one for you). Choosing where you earn a #PhD is not a simple process....

Thanks to the AIS Doctoral Student College.
Many thanks to the AIS Doctoral Student College for inviting me to participate in a networking and coaching session. John Correia,...

On taking care not to make tenure a horse race.
On taking care not to make tenure a horse race (or senior faculty should choose their words with care). Two critical incidents changed my...

On small wins (or the joy of learning your friends have positive tenure votes).
On small wins (or the joy of learning your friends have positive tenure votes). I seem to often post about the stress of the tenure...

On the importance of steady production as an assistant professor (or what have you done for me latel
On the importance of steady production as an assistant professor (or what have you done for me lately?). When I was an assistant...

Another week of protests by the students, the faculty, and the people of Iran.
While the world watches, the students stand strong. While the students stand strong, more and more watchers are demanding that their...
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