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Curation of Social Media Posts
on Academic Life

On family (and joining an academic family).
On family (and joining an academic family). Being a single parent and a professor is a bit different. My students likely suffer - bc my...

On tips and tricks for Ph.D. students meeting a visiting faculty member.
On tips and tricks for Ph.D. students meeting a visiting faculty member (or don't forget to ask for a coffee). Many universities have...

Take. A. Break.
It’s Friday. Be sure to take a break from work for what matters this weekend. I’m stepping back from work to spend time with the Teen. I...

When your friends in Montréal invite you to visit, you always say yes!
When your friends in Montréal invite you to visit, you always say yes! May thanks to Stefan Tams, Constantinos Coursaris, Camille Grange...

On why visiting, senior scholars need to be kind to PhD students.
On why visiting, senior scholars need to be kind to PhD students (or they really do remember how you made them feel). Lately, I've had a...

On figuring out what matters (or know your local game of thrones).
On figuring out what matters (or know your local game of thrones). Yesterday, I posted that absent context citation should not be paid...

On why Stanford University Ranking of academic scholars is not a real measure of scholarship.
On the Stanford University Ranking of academic scholars (or how you should really take the measure of a scholar). I was asked to comment...

Many thanks to Daniel Veit! And his team!
Many thanks to Daniel J Veit and his team for the shop talk and the fun. I enjoyed our time workshopping papers and advancing our ideas!...

On good dissertations (or the pleasure of completing an onerous task).
On good dissertations (or the pleasure of completing an onerous task). Tonight, I invested my evening in reading a dissertation. I recall...
With conference season here again ... I repeat my call for help stopping sexual harassment.
With conference season here again ... I repeat my call for help stopping sexual harassment at academic events. As a program director, I...

What can we do when citations are manipulated?
Citations are a proxy for paper quality and broader impact. But what can we do? When citations counts are manipulated? And inflated? When...

On mixing current event with business education (or the peril of teaching to the hype cycle).
On mixing current event with business education (or the peril of teaching to the hype cycle). Over the past ten years, we have been...

On selecting a good advisor (or things to consider when picking your boss).
On selecting a good advisor (or things to consider when picking your boss). Recently, I made a grumpy post about whom to avoid as an...

On the reward of serving as an editor (or the power of seeing work cited).
On the reward of serving as an editor (or the power of seeing work cited). When you accept a paper as an editor, you are endorsing it...

Today, we spent working on college essays.
Today, we spent working on college essays. Ten years ago, when I became a single parent, the Teen needed braces, the dogs were puppies,...

On sending your paper out for review (and finding patience).
On sending your paper out for review (and finding patience). Patience is one the hardest things to learn as an early career academic You...

On abusive advisors (or tells of whom to avoid).
On abusive advisors (or tells of whom to avoid). Today, I heard one of the most horrible stories of PhD student abuse in my career. A...

My heart goes out to the University of Arizona
My heart goes out to the University of Arizona, the students, the faculty, and the family of the victim. I am so sorry. I am overcome. I...

On pair writing with an early career scholar (or you really need to sit in a room to do some things)
On pair writing with an early career scholar (or you really need to sit in a room to do some things). I spent most of my day sitting in a...

On why I resigned as a Senior Scholar in my professional association.
On why I resigned as a Senior Scholar in my professional association. About a year ago, I resigned as a senior scholar in my professional...
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