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Curation of Social Media Posts
on Academic Life

On sharing knowledge across schools and space.
Six months ago on a zoom call, we discussed how hard it can be to learn the mechanics of designing experiments and placing them online. ...

On suggesting reviewers and editors (or it is not as simple as you think).
I was asked to write a post on how to select or suggest editors or reviewers. It’s a topic that I’m reluctant to write about - bc it can...

On the difference between ‘a chair’ & ‘the chair’ in the United States & Germany.
When I first visited Germany, I struggled to understand the soft side of the academic system. The place was filled with ‘chairs’ & people...

On eating together and the post-pandemic recovery (or why we should all start going to lunch).
As an early career scholar, my senior faculty arranged for all interested in going to lunch about twice a month. It was an informal...

Thanks to the LSE for featuring my team's work.
Nice to have the The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) blog feature our team’s work on veterans, ptsd & social media...

A note on a mistake every assistant professor makes (or why you need to value every member of your f
Assistant professors arrive on campus with a belly full of fire. After years of writing papers, they have been freed from the supervision...

A note on rejection for authors and their impact on the people around you (or why you wait to tell y
Recently, I had a paper rejected during my birthday dinner. I saw the email come in, knew I should not look, & did anyway. I made a...

On the humble brag in academe (or why it’s ok to give yourself a pat on the back).
A few years ago, an academic friend accused me of overposting. They commented it wasn’t like I was Taylor Swift - a star. Because I was...
Teaching at the University of Augsburg
Delighted to spend the next week working with PhD students at the University of Augsburg. Youngjin Kwon & I are working with students...

On why you need to do (some) risky research.
When I was much younger, I was chatting with a senior person. I had my first hot streak at a journal & proudly relayed that my last three...

On the resilience of early career PhD students.
This past week, I witnessed extraordinary resilience on the part of some early career students. On the one hand, some early career...

On being mentored (or why I pay it forward).
I have benefitted from many academic mentors. My first mentor suggested I submit a paper & attend a conference - before I dropped out to...

On the most meaningful award that I have ever received.
Today, I was formally invested as a Technical University of Munich Ambassador. This investiture made me a member of the TUM family and an...

On obligations of phd students to advisors.
Often I write tips for students on managing advisors - I don’t think I’ve written about reasonable expectations that advisors have of...

On juggling competing roles in academic and personal life (or finding your path to happiness in acad
I had lunch with a leading scholar from a different discipline & had a conversation about being an academic & a parent. She had raised a...

On going beyond research to secure an academic job (or why you need to do more than write papers).
I’ve spent my past month meeting with faculty in Madrid, Berlin, Karlsruhe, & Munich. At each stop, we have exchanged success stories,...

On turning 51.
onight, at the stroke of midnight, I turned 51 - surrounded by family and friends. Never have I been so optimistic about the future -...

Take some time for you.
It’s the weekend! Take some time for you. I spent my personal day in the Alps with my family and my best friend - hiking & talking -...

On why you should write a personal research agenda.
I am sometimes asked how I manage multiple research projects - because if you glance at my CV - it can be challenging to tease out...

If you ever wonder why I don’t respond to your email…
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