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Curation of Social Media Posts
on Academic Life

Tips and tricks for meeting socially awkward senior faculty at conferences.
When I was an early-career scholar, I recall meeting senior people at a conference & failing to connect. I would meet one & usually...

9 tips for writing a fun bio for journal papers.
Ten years ago, a collaborator asked 'why is your bio so serious?' I was like, 'what do you mean?' He was like, 'you stick so much stuff...

Six lessons learned from my first major publication.
Twenty years ago, about now, MIS Quarterly accepted my submission. It was my first major paper. When I first presented the paper, a...

Seven attributes of good endowed chairs.
Recently, I was asked why I was hand-carrying a poster to a conference. My questioner queried, ‘didn’t I have an endowed chair? Why...

On the importance of routines in academic life.
To outsiders, academic life looks plenty plush. We mostly control our schedules, have long breaks, have clearly defined job markets, &...

Lessons that helped me move from data analyst to academic mentor.
Recently, a junior scholar took an aggressive shot and commented that I didn’t understand modern methods. I was really bothered, because...

On admitting your student knows better.
When he started his dissertation, Jim Burleson had to convince me that people really did use Facebook & Whatsapp to support communicating...

On why being job-market ready makes your academic life better.
As a young #faculty member, my most important mentor told me to be job-market-ready. I recall my stomach dropping. I went home, cried in...

Why we need a positive narrative about academic life.
I am constantly mortified by articles in The NY Times and the Chronicle for Higher Education. Often, I see articles about: - Ph.D....

How I write a research question that matters.
I recently worked through a student's paper, which posed three distinct research questions. I shuddered. I closed my laptop, took a walk,...

Oh why we must pressure our academic associations to become agents for equity, diversity, and in
My academic discipline has struggled with how to navigate calls for #equity, #diversity, & #inclusion. I have read misguided research...

On how to set a hook that catches a reviewer's attention.
The first three pages decide your paper's fate. If the first three pages are compelling, a reviewer will continue through the literature...

"Hiring Professor (Female Only) in Information Systems and Technology Management"
Recently, this email subject evoked a long series of back-and-forth messages on my professional association's listserve. The...

Any suggestions for posts? Questions? or how to improve my feed?
Most often, I post on issues that I think about on my morning walk ... Less often, I post in response to questions that I receive during...

Five tips for students wrapping up loose ends & preparing to move to graduate school.
In the States, most incoming Ph.D. students have made application decisions by mid-April. There are many instructions for earning a spot...

Seven metrics to consider when asked to advise a Ph.D. student.
I have been asked to advise 20+ students in my career. I've said no to a handful of them. Each no was for a different reason. Once I said...

On how senior faculty are complicit in #metoo & why we must take action to fix academe.
A female faculty member contacted me about inappropriate behavior by a senior male faculty member. Concerns ranged from comments about...

Take some time for your family this spring.
Blue spring skies, a cool spring breeze, and a teen that wants to spend time with dad. Family time can’t wait. So. Today, I stepped away...

Mechanical issues that get your paper desk rejected.
An early career scholar asked, "Why are my papers getting desk rejected?" My experience with desk rejection is limited to two roles:...

Does every paper have a home? Yes. But not always on your CV.
I was asked today, ‘when do you cut your losses on a paper?’ My first thought was, ‘I never cut my losses. I always find finished papers...
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