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on Academic Life

Tips for picking a dissertation topic.
Recently, a student asked me about her dissertation topic. When should she pick one? And what should she study? I paused to reflect on my...

On banning amorous faculty relationships with students.
This past month, the press has reported cases of faculty who lost their jobs due to relationships with students. In the #Sabatini case, a...

My favorite zoom picture with CityU of Hong Kong.
My favorite ‘zoom’ picture of the academic year. Faculty from three continents come together to help PhD students at one global...

Join the AMCIS 2022 Mid-Career Workshop
For faculty who are mid-career (post-tenure and not yet ready for promotion to full professor), Donald Wynn, Jr., Adriane B. Randolph,...

Tips for second-year PhD students (or how you should spend your Summer).
Many US PhD programs in the humanities, social sciences & business disciplines offer scant direction during the Summer. During the...

On how it feels to reject a paper.
No editor that I know feels good about rejecting a paper. Editors send papers out for review with optimism. The topic is novel & method...

On building better editorial processes (or why no one should reject papers on Saturday).
I woke up on Saturday morning to an editor's love note in my inbox - reject! The review package is extremely helpful. I'm thankful. My...

Many thanks to the City University of Hong Kong.
Many thanks to the MIS Faculty and Ph.D. students at the City University of Hong Kong for inviting me to participate in their Summer...

On recharging your mind.
Disconnect. Stop and smell the flowers. Take a drive, walk the beach, or wander in the woods. Read a book for pleasure. Listen to the...

On advancing science, gender and informations systems research.
When I was young, I was told not to study the intersection of technology, gender, and sex. It was too hard to publish. I did some work at...

On academic responsibility for our research and our words: The case of cryptocurrency.
As we watch continuing volatility in cryptocurrency markets, I have watched with some interest as "bitcoin academics" (those who sang the...

3 months agoOn how to craft new academic music for your classroom and in your research.
In some ways, the career arch of academics is a lot like a rock band. We start as fresh acts, then play many of the same songs,...

On developing coping strategies to manage journal revisions and rejections.
We all deal with papers coming back from journals. I’ve commented on this in the past: I was asked for tips on...

On why you should take stock after a year in a Ph.D. Program.
Doctoral programs can be confusing, particularly as your first year ends. You applied to a program because you were interested in a topic...

Tips for managing mental health while a PhD student (and beyond).
This article’s message is worth amplifying. Many #phdstudents struggle in silence. They become #faculty who struggle in silence. We...

On adjusting to a new academic job.
As a child, my family lived in several of the great cities of Asia - including Hong Kong, Singapore, & Taipei. My entire life,...

12 tips for International applicants to US Ph.D. programs.
Every Spring, my heart breaks when a qualified international applicant inquires about admission to my #PhD Program. The conversations are...

Tips for working with PhD students across countries.
#PhDprograms vary by country & by school. Until my late 30s, I assumed that everyone received an American style #FSU#phd with a fixed...

Follow up on the problem of late round decision making.
For people who read this post: There was a happy ending. The paper came back accepted. The patience and the hard...

On Mother's Day.
Academics can be absent-minded, so don’t forget, call your mother! You won’t regret it. That’s all for today! #academiclife#mentoring#phd...
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