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on Academic Life

Tips for collaborating on academic projects (or why whom you choose to collaborate with matters!).
I always write with collaborators. Sometimes, the collaboration is successful. Other times, not so much. And sometimes, successful...

Tips for Ph.D. students attending post-covid conferences.
Lately, I’ve caught up with my conference friends. Last night, I had a long dinner with a German colleague. Last week, I broke bread with...

On taking care in picking your Ph.D. advisor.
Like parents, there are better and worse advisors. No matter how you slice it, every Ph.D. student has an advisor. Some mentor you gently...

On how requiring "A hits" limits equity and inclusion in academe.
For 20+ years, I have heard "research potential" cited as an excuse not to grow a more diverse faculty at many conferences. Usually, the...

Tips for Ph.D. students who submit conference papers with their advisors.
This week, my field has a conference deadline & I'm deluged with papers from current & former students. For many #phdstudents, a...

On how to partner with executives in the classroom (lessons learned at ITU-Copenhagen).
My first years as a professor, I stuck to my swim lane and taught undergraduates. Later, I had a chance to teach MBA students. The past...

On getting back to the new normal at ITU-Copenhagen.
When covid started, I had to cancel teaching executives at ITU-Copenhagen in person. Not being physically present left a hole in my...

Congrats to Wenxi Pu for publishing in Personnel Psychology.
Congrats to Wenxi (Vincent) Pu for a big hit! I always knew you were going to do great things! Our paper creates a foundation for...

On staying in touch with what matters.
In the petty politics of academic life, faculty often lose track of what matters. We bicker. We fight. We pack grudges. Often, about the...

On fixing academic publishing.
Every single professor writes reviews. We are taught that it is an obligation and sanctions wait for those who don’t review. Some...

On why I stay in academe.
Two friends left academe this past week. It's made me pensive. Their career changes reminded me of my post on why I stay in academe. For...

On balancing research with service in academe.
I am not a role model of balance. I try to optimize #research, #service, & #teaching. I struggle with balancing these roles. I prioritize...

On the problem of late-round submissions.
My team recently submitted a fifth revision. In early rounds, I was ticked - we had to collect more data, run more analyses, and prove...

On gaslighting in academe.
This article is worth reading for young academics. We often see it in faculty meetings, where older or more experienced faculty undercut...

Tips for faculty switching schools.
Leaving is hard. It’s difficult leaving a familiar place, & a lot of what you know, does not translate well to a new school. You will...

Celebrating 20 years of Fox MIS
Congratulations to the FOX MIS team for twenty years of disruptive innovation! From starting the AIS student chapters movement to...

Tips for students preparing for their first year in a Ph.D. Program.
When I entered a business Ph.D. program, I did not understand what I was getting into - I was - I thought - a good writer, able to follow...

Congrats to Ron Ramirez
So proud of my friend Ronald Ramirez! He’s going to do great things at California State University San Marcos!...

On the danger of Poets & Quants … and rankings to higher education.
Why do any of us pay attention to for-profit rankings? Like #PoetsAndQuants? or the #USNews? They fabricate measures of quality &...

Opening Day Weekend!
Take some time for people you care about today! Enjoy the Spring! The Sun! And a baseball game! There will only be one Opening Day in...
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