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Curation of Social Media Posts
on Academic Life

On my six biggest mistakes as an early career scholar (and what you can do to avoid them).
A PhD student recently asked about my biggest mistakes and how I overcame them. I referred them to my Linkedin posts, noting that most...

On an excellent community to jump-start your academic career
Because I was President of a professional association, many people assume that my career started in that community. It could not be...

A note for senior PhD students on persistence and success in your PhD program and beyond.
A note for senior PhD students on persistence and success in your PhD program and beyond. The first semester in a PhD program is hard, bc...

Seven Tips for a Ph.D. Students Attending their 1st Intl Conference (or don't be a wallflower).
Seven Tips for a Ph.D. Students Attending their 1st International Conference (or you don't have to be a wallflower) I remember my first...

To nudge? or not to nudge? The Editor, that is the question.
I've posted on the virtues of patiently waiting for reviews a few times. I recognize that not everyone agrees that we should wait for...

Thanks to the TU Dortmund
Many thanks to Manuel Wiesche and his team for a great time talking ideas! The students University of Dortmund did not disappoint!...
A note for first year PhD students (or it does get better).
The end of the first semester is the toughest. You have likely been challenged. You are likely wondering about your choice to earn a PhD...

Five Tips for Ph.D. Students at a Job Market Conference.
Academic job markets are in transition. Where face-to-face conferences were once the primary vehicle for academic job interviews, zoom,...

On taking time to learn uni policy (or don’t be an academic troll!)
I am constantly surprised by how many academics fail to take time to learn uni processes - particularly around travel and procurement....

On Wikipedia pages and academics (or proceed with caution).
After a recent post on academics and social media strategies, I was asked about Wikipedia pages. Truthfully, I don't have a strong...

Thoughts on sexual harassment in academia & what it will take to fix it.
A closet qualitative analysis. The Atlantic published an insightful article about sexual harassment in Economics. It features Jennifer...

7 questions that can help us build a family-friendy academy.
Most of my colleagues are great about helping me navigate the travails of single parenting. They don’t ask for early meetings and rarely...

On picking your advisor (or don't forget to consider their values).
Never underestimate the power of a Ph.D. advisor. Some think that picking an advisor is about picking someone famous - who can help them...

On why I separated my personal and academic social media feeds.
I recently shuttered my main Facebook account. I spent a decade building a community of family, friends & colleagues. The impetus to do...

On crafting a online presence as a PhD student (or you have to have something).
I am often asked what social media presence should a PhD student have? When they are on the job market? In responding,I rephrase the...

On navigating an active social media feed (or be aware that posting comes with professional peril).
I’m often told that people like my feed. I always blush, hem and haw. It’s ironic. I study the implications of posting on social media...

On the types of journals (and deciding where to submit your work).
After posting about predatory journals, I was asked if I could explain how to evaluate journals. More on predatory journals here:...

Be sure to take some downtime this weekend.
We celebrated a late Thanksgiving at the Kibbitz Room deli. No phones, lots of laughter, and the World Cup! Time with family is always...

On becoming aware of predatory journals and what we need to do about them.
My friend recently asked if I knew whether a journal was predatory. That is, was it part of a pay for publication scheme? I’ve had very...

On the peril and opportunity of publishing outside of top journals.
I was asked if a) it was a bad thing if you put your name on a paper published in a low-tier journal? If no, when does it hurt our...
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