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Curation of Social Media Posts
on Academic Life

Happy Festivus!
Happy Festivus! One and all! Let the academic feats of strength begin! And then the airing of grievances! Watch out Reviewer 2! Beware...

Seven steps to securing help on a research problem from your PhD advisor.
Too often. Advisors find themselves sending emails asking PhD students for a status report. Typically, the student will have disappeared....

On DEI in higher education (or we need to do more than put lipstick on a pig).
Rarely have I seen an image so accurately capture the state of DEI (EDI) in higher education. Replace services with university, & you'll...

On PhD students getting lost in the data (and how to avoid it)
I recently met with a student working on their first major project. The student had ticked the boxes on the empirical script. Interesting...

On race, gender, and academic affiliation in academe (or, yes, where you work matters).
Every so often you come across a compelling paper that challenges how you understand your profession. Jim Witte, a fellow Clemson...

Six steps for navigating bad academic news (or take a deep breathe & look forward).
About now, two waves of news are filtering across many American campuses. Every year the first wave occurs. People receive bad news about...

It's nice to be an award winner.
Many thanks to Jan Recker and Nick Berente for recognizing Carolina Alves de Lima Salge and Elena Karahanna's paper that I tagged along...

On simple joy derived from advising Ph.D. students.
I was shaken from concentrating on course preparation. By joy shared by Ph.D. students. One reported receiving outstanding teaching...

A Practical Guide for Successful Revisions and Engagements with Reviewers
Kudos to Min-Seok Pang for successfully guiding our paper on revising journal submissions through to acceptance at the Journal of...

On the cost of college and faculty in the US (why aren't we speaking up about student loans?)
In the discourse about the cost of college in the United States, the voices that are most curiously silent are administrators & faculty....

On tenure standards in an era of declining resources (or charting new paths to promotion).
A friend recently commented that their uni was revisiting tenure and merit standards. Resource declines, faculty turnover, & increasing...

Many thanks and an ask. (Or extend support to others this holiday season).
Many thanks to the early career scholars who approached me this past week at different events and shared their appreciation of my posts....
A note on mental health and the holiday season.
I was woken up tonight by a text message. It contained a plea for help. Someone I am close to had attempted self-harm & refused...

Five tips for planning your time during academic breaks
Five tips for planning your time during academic breaks (or how to take time for yourself and not feel guilty about it). My student asked...

My academic family.
We all construct academic families differently. Mine includes faculty and students from three continents - most of whom I did not advise...

On work-life balance issues (and why we must show solidarity as global, scholarly communities).
Recently, I posted a fair about work-life balance. My basic premise has been to be mindful of your context, assess your resources, & then...

On visiting St. Gallen.
Once in a while you hop into a family photo uninvited and are rewarded with an invitation! Thanks to Jan Marco Leimeister for having such...

On what got me thinking about work-life balance in academia (and a link to my talk on the topic).
A friend asked why I advocate for work-life balance in academia. I can point to three cathartic moments. The first was when I became a...

Click the link for the slide deck on tips and tricks to surviving academic life.
Recently, I was asked to offer tips and tricks for navigating academic life at a junior faculty consortium. Many thanks to Remko Helms,...

My Top Ten Most Viewed Posts of 2022.
With the end of the year upon us, here are my posts that attracted the most attention in the past 12 months. 1. On the Stanford...
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