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on Academic Life

On being a good advisor.
I spent time this past month thinking about how to evaluate whether I was a good advisor. I realized it wasn’t just modeling myself after...
A note for first year PhD students (or it does get better).
The end of the first semester is the toughest. You have likely been challenged. You are likely wondering about your choice to earn a PhD...

On benchmarking against yourself (or defining your academic success).
I've placed my Ph.D. students at many schools - some research, some teaching, some abroad. When they leave campus, I offer pretty simple...

Hitting 10,000 followers was so much more work than I imagined.
Hitting 10,000 followers was so much more work than I imagined. I have learned a lot about myself, my academic life, and the global...

On the reward of serving as an editor (or the power of seeing work cited).
On the reward of serving as an editor (or the power of seeing work cited). When you accept a paper as an editor, you are endorsing it...

On mental health in academe (or practice self-care this Winter).
On mental health in academe (or practice self-care this Winter). Academics often struggle with mental health issues. For many,...

On academics and pizza.
On academics and pizza. If you ever want to have fun, just suggest ordering pizza with pineapple on it in a faculty meeting. The range...

On humility (or you never know who cleans your office).
On humility (or you never know who cleans your office). As a small child, I didn’t see my dad a lot. My dad was a graduate student who...

On staff as the heart of academe (or how momma bear changed my life).
In 1999, I met Jan. We were at the International Conference on Information Systems. I was a young PhD student & conference volunteer. Jan...

On thanking people for taking on the toughest job in academe (conference volunteer).
As an Association leader, I learned that no matter what happened, where it was held, or what was presented, I would receive negative...

On respect and loyalty to your academic mentors.
Years ago, an assistant professor cared enough to tell me that I was not performing as I should & suggested some changes so I could be a...

On ethical versus unethical self-citation.
Lately, I’ve seen a lot of folks post their citation counts & H-index. Some early career, some late career, some who have suddenly...

On the resilience of early career PhD students.
This past week, I witnessed extraordinary resilience on the part of some early career students. On the one hand, some early career...

On why being job-market ready makes your academic life better.
As a young #faculty member, my most important mentor told me to be job-market-ready. I recall my stomach dropping. I went home, cried in...

Preprints of my paper on IT Professionals and workplace embeddedness.
For people interested in managing and retaining IT professionals, preprints of my paper "Workgroup Embeddedness and Professionalism Among...

On supporting parenting and academic life in the Summer.
In many college towns, a diaspora occurs in April. As students leave, the faculty scatter. Some take holidays, some start summer...

On becoming robust to tough feedback (as a student, early career, and late-career scholar).
After a harsh comment on my work, I was asked, "how do you keep moving forward?" After 20 or so years as a professor, I've learned that...

On recharging your mind.
Disconnect. Stop and smell the flowers. Take a drive, walk the beach, or wander in the woods. Read a book for pleasure. Listen to the...

3 months agoOn how to craft new academic music for your classroom and in your research.
In some ways, the career arch of academics is a lot like a rock band. We start as fresh acts, then play many of the same songs,...

On developing coping strategies to manage journal revisions and rejections.
We all deal with papers coming back from journals. I’ve commented on this in the past: I was asked for tips on...
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