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Curation of Social Media Posts
on Academic Life

On leading by example (or maybe I did something right as an advisor).
On leading by example (or maybe I did something right as an advisor). As an advisor, you never really know how you are doing with your...

On three mistakes that early career authors make with journal revisions.
On three mistakes that early career authors make with journal revisions (and don't forget to hit submit). Yesterday, I logged into a...

On the importance of relevant work.
On the importance of relevant work. When we started the project on social media and veterans years ago, we knew that the work was...

On why being a single parent made me empathetic to the experience of female faculty.
On why being a single parent made me empathetic to, but not understand, the experience of female faculty. Once, I had a faculty member...

On Financial Inequity & Open Access publications.
On Financial Inequity & Open Access publications. I was all for Open Access until I was asked to pay 3,000 USD+ to publish my paper in...

On slowing down and appreciating the work of students.
On slowing down and appreciating the work of students. Too often, I hear faculty grumble about the quality of PhD Students. They fuss...

On the solo author academic trope (or why the myth of the superior solo author just needs to go away
On the solo author academic trope (or why the myth of the superior solo author just needs to go away). I was recently asked if you needed...

On why we need to stop talking about tuition waivers as if they are compensation for PhD students.
On why we need to stop talking about tuition waivers as if they are compensation for PhD students. In a recent post, I advocated for US...

Sometimes, it takes real persistence to publish a paper.
Sometimes, it takes real persistence to publish a paper. Dr. Colleen Carraher-Wolverton first mentioned working on a new measure of...

On academics and pizza.
On academics and pizza. If you ever want to have fun, just suggest ordering pizza with pineapple on it in a faculty meeting. The range...

On navigating academic disciplines at your uni (or mistakes I made in my 40s).
On navigating academic disciplines at your uni (or mistakes I made in my 40s). Academic disciplines can be very inward-looking, resulting...

On staying engaged as you become an "old faculty" member.
On staying engaged as you become an "old faculty" member (or how you need to navigate an evolving academic tightrope). Today, I was on a...

On learning to make creative contributions to the literature (or you need to do more than crunch num
On learning to make creative contributions to the literature (or you need to do more than crunch numbers). Recently, I was asked what...

On why industry-based metrics of academic quality need to be regulated or done away with.
On why industry-based metrics of academic quality need to be regulated or done away with. As my feed is filled with academic brags about...

On do women have a harder time securing strong teaching evaluations than men?
On do women have a harder time securing strong teaching evaluations than men? I was asked the question recently. I responded - yes! It...

On respecting PhD students on holidays (or helping expatriate students feel heard).
On respecting PhD students on holidays (or helping expatriate students feel heard). One of the trickiest bits about working with...

On what to do if a coauthor is too liberal on the cut and paste.
On what to do if a coauthor is too liberal on the cut and paste (or five steps to take if you suspect plagiarism). When I was a...

On friendships in your Ph.D. program (or you never know who will become your academic family).
On friendships in your Ph.D. program (or you never know who will become your academic family). In 1998, I transferred into the...

On tone in academic writing (or it pays to learn the love language of your discipline).
On tone in academic writing (or it pays to learn the love language of your discipline). I grew up writing like a Humanist. Humanists can...

Super excited to have our team's work accepted at the Journal of Business Research.
Super excited to have our team's work accepted at the Journal of Business Research. Teagen Nabity-Grover and Christy Cheung let me tag...
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